Samantha J. McKinney, DVMBosque Animal Clinic 835 E. Main Street, Suite 101 Phone: (505) 869-2888 |
Compassionate, individualized care for each pet and family |
Why do our pets need surveillance screening?
Firstly, our pets can't speak, they cannot tell us if they feel off or unwell or have any other indicators of internal illness. We need to examine them every 6 months as well as run some routine screening tests to detect underlying disease BEFORE it is clinically apparent. Secondly, pets will actively mask signs of illness until late in the course of disease. This stems from survival instincts in a pack or colony situation. We recommend wellness testing once a year starting as a puppy/kitten at the time of their spay/neuter in order to establish a good baseline for your pet. This continues yearly until 7 years of age and bi annually thereafter. Fecal testing should be performed 1-3 times a year and heartworm testing should be performed annually.